... Obama only got 39% of the white vote, and the only time Obama has ever won the white vote ...was when he was running against another black candidate.
I am sure I already knew this stat, but the implications for what it says about the american voter at large are really kind of heartbreaking. Of course, the fact that a candidate as good as Obama is, ran this close to a caricature like Romney...ugghh...just depressing.
...In any case it made me think of the only two things Republicans said to me this season when asked why they were voting for Romney, actually only one vague idea, with different words: Welfare and diversity.
They see this country the way Romney described it in that video. They see a huge population of moochers (non white) as the core of our economic problems.
It is really a fairly amorphous vision too. When I pointed out that: welfare is an incredibly small component of federal expenditure (compared to say subsidies for oil companies, or farmers...ect) or that in fact, whites benefit far more from social programs than non-whites....it didn't really seem to make much difference to them, their eyes just sort of glazed over.
Which brings us to the realization: The core thing that I see, studying the history and politics of this country, as making it "exceptional" or "the greatest country on earth"
is the same thing they see as the source of all its problems and what will lead to its downfall: diversity.
I see diversity as the main strength of the country, much in the same way it acts in nature. Closed societies exhibit all the same problems that inbreeding produces in the natural world. They become isolated, paranoid, create rigid caste systems and are generally unhealthy. Inbreeding produces diseases like hemophilia, scale that up to societal level...it produces world wars.
I wont get in to just how dependent this country has been on immigrant or slave labor of one form or another to actually build and maintain itself. It is, however unintentional, the reason we are so diverse.
It just seems strange to me, that this fundamental truth...that diversity is what built this country, is what maintains it, is what makes it great, is not only lost on such a huge part of the population........but is actually misinterpreted as it's biggest problem.
You can almost take the one idea, and extrapolate it out, to encompass all of the problems we now face.
The irony cherry on top, as this election just showed: Diversity is what will eventually cure it.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Cliff Notes
This was a huge and stupid political gamble on the part of the republicans....and they have already lost.
Every good outcome for them depended on winning the White House and control of the Senate ....and they didn't.
On the tax side, the President will let the Bush tax cuts expire, then propose a series of middle class tax cuts to replace them. If the republicans drag their feet, or attempt to obstruct those cuts, it will be suicide for them in the midterms and they know it.
On the automatic spending cuts that are supposed to take effect....those are across the board or not at all, and they include cuts in defense spending. The dems can hammer the house for cutting defense for months before any real damage is done, so they will have to vote to suspend those cuts..or risk the kind of showdown they lost when Clinton was in office.
Of course, all of this will play out in the most over dramatized slow motion clusterfuck imaginable...which could have some negative effects on the market...but again, those can be laid squarely at the feet of John Boner and Eric Cantor where they rightfully belong.
.....or the Repubs can take their medicine early and hope the bad taste washes out before 2014. They made this shit sandwich, now its just a question of when they are going to eat it, and how much.
On the tax side, the President will let the Bush tax cuts expire, then propose a series of middle class tax cuts to replace them. If the republicans drag their feet, or attempt to obstruct those cuts, it will be suicide for them in the midterms and they know it.
On the automatic spending cuts that are supposed to take effect....those are across the board or not at all, and they include cuts in defense spending. The dems can hammer the house for cutting defense for months before any real damage is done, so they will have to vote to suspend those cuts..or risk the kind of showdown they lost when Clinton was in office.
Of course, all of this will play out in the most over dramatized slow motion clusterfuck imaginable...which could have some negative effects on the market...but again, those can be laid squarely at the feet of John Boner and Eric Cantor where they rightfully belong.
.....or the Repubs can take their medicine early and hope the bad taste washes out before 2014. They made this shit sandwich, now its just a question of when they are going to eat it, and how much.
or....if they really do want to pay down the debt.
What Really Built This....
Monday, November 12, 2012
Pizza Politcs
No Papa in my house....
The small town I live in had a Pizza Hut and Dominoes. Both had become so horrible (the Pizza Hut, in addition to taking an hour to deliver, once poisoned me)....and the Dominoes was...well Dominoes. Box tasted better than crust..was a real thing.
So I was actually glad when Papa Johns came. I remembered their pizza from years ago as being not too horrible...and I like their garlic butter and pepperoncini...
Anyway, after seeing Mr. Papa John hosting Mittens at his palatial country estate......I was pissed.......and then when he did his little health care rant...that was it.
Fortunately, I had just enough points to get one last free pizza...and it was nasty.
As an aside, I have since ordered two pizzas, one from Pizza Hut..and one from Dominoes. As it turns out, the Papa Johns coming in to the market, forced both competitors to up their game!
I ordered the new pan pizza from Dominoes..and the crust was actually good....but I have since learned that Dominoes was sold to Bain Capitol by its previous anti-choice founder and owner....they are out.
I guess it's Pizza Hut for me. This last time, they delivered in 15 minutes, managed to not poison me...and although owned by a huge multinational conglomerate.....beat the hell out of the alternatives.
I really miss living in large cities that usually have their own local pizzerias with much better quality. ....and having Chinese food delivered...really miss that...Oh and I miss Old Chicago and Chicago Uno....."The Chicago Seven Calzone"..yumm
...but I mean business with this stuff. To those who think it is meaningless gesture, think of what would happen if all of the 62 million people who voted for Obama, decided to quit Papa Johns.....
"Better voters mean better pizza....and a healthier workforce..."
Screw You Papa
Saturday, November 10, 2012
From Election Night......so I can remember
Alas...a sad night....For the Confederacy!!! Hah!..Hah! Hah!!
Eat it crackers!!
You servile, authoritarian, anti-intellectual dupes! You loose...again!! ...and you almost literally had all the money in the world to steal it away.
Sorry for the schadenfreude.....but holy shit...4 years of this crap. The most vile campaign tactics I have ever seen, coming from a group of people who claim to have a special relationship with God! People who claim to love this country.
I am so sick of the right ....sick and tired of having to fend off their relentless campaign to drag us back in to the dark ages. They disdain knowledge, compassion, community....they elevate ignorance to a high art...and they do it all while looking down their noses at the rest of us.
The last four years has been like turning over a rock, and being horrified at what scurried out from under it. I am about as cynical as they come...and thought I had seen it all, but this was just horrible.
No one should have had to go through what this President had to go through, for the thankless task of making this place better for us all......ever.
This just shouldn't have been this hard. I hope the President was right when he said it made him a better leader, that it would be all worth it. If he really believes that, then he is most certainly a better man than I. I just want them to shut up and go away.
You servile, authoritarian, anti-intellectual dupes! You loose...again!! ...and you almost literally had all the money in the world to steal it away.
Sorry for the schadenfreude.....but holy shit...4 years of this crap. The most vile campaign tactics I have ever seen, coming from a group of people who claim to have a special relationship with God! People who claim to love this country.
I am so sick of the right ....sick and tired of having to fend off their relentless campaign to drag us back in to the dark ages. They disdain knowledge, compassion, community....they elevate ignorance to a high art...and they do it all while looking down their noses at the rest of us.
The last four years has been like turning over a rock, and being horrified at what scurried out from under it. I am about as cynical as they come...and thought I had seen it all, but this was just horrible.
No one should have had to go through what this President had to go through, for the thankless task of making this place better for us all......ever.
This just shouldn't have been this hard. I hope the President was right when he said it made him a better leader, that it would be all worth it. If he really believes that, then he is most certainly a better man than I. I just want them to shut up and go away.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Make The Stupid Stop....
I may have to go "off grid" until after the election.....
This strikes me as maybe the best description of this whole insane campaign, with the fewest words: Charlie Pierce's righteous bitch slapping of DFB (David F@%king Brooks) in his Sunday gasbag roundup. (http://www.esquire.com/blogs/p...
"One party is insane and has forced it's candidate to act like the lead act in a $50 donkey contortionist show in a Tijuana brothel. The other candidate is forced to point this out. So it's everybody's fault. I feel for David Brooks, and for the gentle fairy-folk of the land in which he lives."
Apparently also this fine weekend, the Orc squad at "Rupert's Freak Show and Idiocracy Emporium", in addition to flailing away at the President using our dead ambassador as a club, finally got to dog whistle in the "he's an angry black man" fantasy.. they have been so drooling to utilize... because the President had the temerity in the last two debates, to point out, that his opponent may be the biggest liar to ever ooze over a podium in the history of the concept of political debate.
I don't think the term "anger" adequately describes how I have felt about the "mainstream" media's treatment of this President, not just in the last infuriating few months, but for his entire term. ....but this trumped up Benghazi shit storm... this outrageous, nakedly political desecration....being discussed as if it were something real, on actual non-Fox...network news programs .... is the last fucking straw.
All of this, especially so close on the heals of their historically epic fail during the run up and duration of the Iraq war. A failure so massive, it should have produced gravity altering piles of resignations in newsrooms nation wide, but instead gave inexplicable birth to a level of hackery not seen since the term "yellow journalism" was first coined.
The Hannitys, Rushes, Becks, Coulters, Malkins et als.. were racist soulless, un-salvageable, immoral whores to begin with....but this smarmy new breed of beltway hacks from the big three, and the national "paper of record" are really something very special.
If by any chance in the next few years, I have the misfortune to encounter David Brooks, David Gregory, Chuck Todd, George Will, Peggy Noonon or Tom Brokaw in passing.....I only hope they are wearing their finest, most expensive, Scotch guarded London Fogs.
They have and continue to denigrate not only themselves, but their profession, a profession so important the founders thought it necessary to enshrine it in the constitution.... beyond redemption.
Every time one of them equates some new right wing atrocity, with some meaningless failure from the left, using their worthless, merit-less "both sides do it" lie.....and every time they book, for the millionth time, some discredited, character challenged, mealy mouth current or former politician..or know nothing "pundit".....they are taking a literal dump on the graves of not only their better predecessors, but their colleagues who have actually died in service of their occupation.
They have failed us all regardless of the outcome of this election.
They deserve nothing but absolute utter contempt: Because over the last three years, as they have raked in ever more preposterous stratospheric salaries....contempt is the only thing they have most certainly earned.
This strikes me as maybe the best description of this whole insane campaign, with the fewest words: Charlie Pierce's righteous bitch slapping of DFB (David F@%king Brooks) in his Sunday gasbag roundup. (http://www.esquire.com/blogs/p...
"One party is insane and has forced it's candidate to act like the lead act in a $50 donkey contortionist show in a Tijuana brothel. The other candidate is forced to point this out. So it's everybody's fault. I feel for David Brooks, and for the gentle fairy-folk of the land in which he lives."
Apparently also this fine weekend, the Orc squad at "Rupert's Freak Show and Idiocracy Emporium", in addition to flailing away at the President using our dead ambassador as a club, finally got to dog whistle in the "he's an angry black man" fantasy.. they have been so drooling to utilize... because the President had the temerity in the last two debates, to point out, that his opponent may be the biggest liar to ever ooze over a podium in the history of the concept of political debate.
I don't think the term "anger" adequately describes how I have felt about the "mainstream" media's treatment of this President, not just in the last infuriating few months, but for his entire term. ....but this trumped up Benghazi shit storm... this outrageous, nakedly political desecration....being discussed as if it were something real, on actual non-Fox...network news programs .... is the last fucking straw.
All of this, especially so close on the heals of their historically epic fail during the run up and duration of the Iraq war. A failure so massive, it should have produced gravity altering piles of resignations in newsrooms nation wide, but instead gave inexplicable birth to a level of hackery not seen since the term "yellow journalism" was first coined.
The Hannitys, Rushes, Becks, Coulters, Malkins et als.. were racist soulless, un-salvageable, immoral whores to begin with....but this smarmy new breed of beltway hacks from the big three, and the national "paper of record" are really something very special.
If by any chance in the next few years, I have the misfortune to encounter David Brooks, David Gregory, Chuck Todd, George Will, Peggy Noonon or Tom Brokaw in passing.....I only hope they are wearing their finest, most expensive, Scotch guarded London Fogs.
They have and continue to denigrate not only themselves, but their profession, a profession so important the founders thought it necessary to enshrine it in the constitution.... beyond redemption.
Every time one of them equates some new right wing atrocity, with some meaningless failure from the left, using their worthless, merit-less "both sides do it" lie.....and every time they book, for the millionth time, some discredited, character challenged, mealy mouth current or former politician..or know nothing "pundit".....they are taking a literal dump on the graves of not only their better predecessors, but their colleagues who have actually died in service of their occupation.
They have failed us all regardless of the outcome of this election.
They deserve nothing but absolute utter contempt: Because over the last three years, as they have raked in ever more preposterous stratospheric salaries....contempt is the only thing they have most certainly earned.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I am starting to feel like agent Smith in the last Matrix movie: "I saw this, you were there...and I said something??".
By any reasonable viewing of this election cycle, at this stage, Romney / Ryan shouldn't just be behind, they should be politically dead.
His own stupid and or lunatic opponents in the primaries exposed him repeatedly.
When he emerged from the world’s tallest midget contest, he embarked on what will be remembered by historians as the single most stumbling, contradictory filled, mistake prone Presidential campaign in modern times.
It seemed at times as if he were trying to wear down the media and the electorate with cognitive dissonance. Walking back entire policy positions in a shortening spiral, culminating in actual paragraphs and sentences which took opposing positions.
His own surrogates must be exhausted from trying to articulate a single coherent thought from anything he has ever uttered.
On the other side, Obama and his team have been as consistent as is possible for a modern President. He has taken everything they have thrown at him, and still managed to somehow eke out an economic recovery from the abysmal state it had been flogged in to over the previous eight years.
His deft nuanced foreign policy has elevated us from the most hated country on earth, to once again being perceived in most quarters as the champion of the values put forth at our founding.
As a politician, he is articulate, cool, unflappable and as knowledgeable on any and all issues as any President in my lifetime.
Why then is this race looking like it is?
If there is not some major poll movement in the President's direction in the next few days....somebody should call the worlds biggest instance of "Shenanigans !". ......or we really are living in the fucking Matrix...
P.S. forgot to mention this:
"[I]t's widely reported that drones are being used in drone strikes," - Mitt Romney
"My cats breath smells like cat food"- Ralph Wigum
Really America? Really?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Breath The Air
For those who are saying: " I guess I will hold my nose and vote for the President"...
"This was a radical realization for me. Never before in my political memory had I known a leader whose behavior was so admirable that I might actually like to emulate it. There'd been leaders in my lifetime whom I was fond of, or impressed with, or amused by -- but none whom I had ever admired as a role model for intelligent, dignified behavior. I closed my eyes and imagined what it might be like to have somebody in the White House whom one could look to for an example of how to remain calm and thoughtful in moments of crisis, stupidity, or sorrow." Full aritcle by Elizabeth Gilbert
I am the same age as the President, give or take a month, and that may be a part of it. I can remember my father, a WWII vet, and career Air Force officer, displaying much admiration for John F. Kennedy, who was closer to his age. He never supported another Democrat after that, but he loved JFK.
We all admire different people for different reasons, probably more linked to our own character and personalities than anything else, but what Ms. Gilbert so eloquently states holds true for me as well: Never in my life of political observation, have I known another high office holder, who I held as much respect for as this President....and I have been paying very close attention.....
Frankly, at the time Barrack Obama was introduced to the wide world of American politics, in his speech at the Democratic convention, I had been paying such close attention, that my cynicism knew no bounds. I was watching his speech with a friend of mine, who actually had the foresight to point out: "That guy is going to be President someday". The same thought had crossed my mind, in a sort of "wouldn't it be nice if the West Wing was real" kind of way, but I scoffed loudly at the thought. I had been so burned by the American electorate at that point: (Reagan's election and re-election, George Bush Sr.'s election) that I thought it necessary to point out to my friend that: "That would be nice, but this country is too stupid to elect him." When my friend asked why I thought that...I shot back "Because he is black". It was that simple. After a lifetime of watching a parade of white millionaires run for office every four years, the most articulate, intelligent, thoughtful candidate I had ever seen, was in my mind, un-electable, because of the color of his skin. My faith in the electorate to do the right thing was so low, the possibility of them actually doing it was to me, at best, a fiction.
I am not saying my faith has been restored by his election, but he certainly hasn't done any thing to change my opinion of him.
The only difference is, they almost always won their battles on the West Wing.
In any case, I don't have to hold my nose, I am going to breath deep...
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Walking With The Big Dog
The problem is too many voters couldn't define a recession if their life depended on it...or a deficit....or what actually constitutes the debt. You can produce chart after chart, diagram after diagram for the last 50 years showing how the economy works under the two parties, but it takes Bill Clinton to put it in to terms the average low info voter can understand.
Do they actually teach econ or even civics in schools anymore? If so, how can pug after pug appear on national television and claim : Obama raised your taxes, Obama exploded the deficit, Obama doubled the debt...without being laughed off the air.
"Arithmetic"....so good to see the big dog out barking again......
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Ohio: Vote If You Can
What is more disgusting..or to snatch an invective hijacked by the bumper sticker addicted right... UN-AMERICAN....than these efforts to disenfranchise voters?
Your ideas, your very ideology is so repugnant in the light of day, you have so little confidence they will survive in the marketplace of the ballot box. Rigging the game through Diebold tampering is not enough, a never ending river of lies and obstruction is not enough. Attempting to ruin the country's credit in the global market is not enough.
You must physically prevent citizens from exercising a right that people were dying for less than a generation ago. A right that is literally the heart of a democracy you claim to defend and rail to "take back".
If there is one, never mentioned thing, this President has accomplished, merely by his existence, it is to expose, what a truly sick and twisted movement the American Right has become.
They know no shame. They have no conscience. They deserve nothing better than to be rightfully consigned to the dust bin of history.
Your ideas, your very ideology is so repugnant in the light of day, you have so little confidence they will survive in the marketplace of the ballot box. Rigging the game through Diebold tampering is not enough, a never ending river of lies and obstruction is not enough. Attempting to ruin the country's credit in the global market is not enough.
You must physically prevent citizens from exercising a right that people were dying for less than a generation ago. A right that is literally the heart of a democracy you claim to defend and rail to "take back".
If there is one, never mentioned thing, this President has accomplished, merely by his existence, it is to expose, what a truly sick and twisted movement the American Right has become.
They know no shame. They have no conscience. They deserve nothing better than to be rightfully consigned to the dust bin of history.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
Mitt Romney: He Built That
The Daily Show
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
Tag, Crig, Blig, Marble and Flapjack.....
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
Tag, Crig, Blig, Marble and Flapjack.....
Monday, August 27, 2012
Ouch!! Tweety Bares Beak
Just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to Chris Mathews for taking Rince Pevus? to the woodshed for the thinly veiled southern strategy being employed by the RNC spokesbots, and their current nominee for President.
It would be nice if all your anchors would occasionally pretend to be journalists and call your frequent republican guests out on their various oft spoken lies, dog whistles ect...but I guess that would be too much to ask.
If it weren't for Rachael Maddow's occasional visits to Meet the Press with David "I never met a republican I couldn't suck up to" Gregory, your political coverage would be no different from Fox ...which may be what you are striving for.
Anyway, just thought I should mention it, in case you were going to can him like you did Keith O. for committing the sin of truth telling.
Oh, and please let Brokaw go back to the nursing home. Those episodes of "Matlock" aren't going to watch themselves....and you could just spool up a recording to repeat "both sides do it" for a lot less money. ...or hire Cokie Roberts..or pry Peggy Noonan off her bar stool..your call.
"I Stand by whatever it was I said....."
Why do I have Mike Hucleberry on my teevee every morning bitching about the evil Obamacare....but not this.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
A Tour of the Universe
When you are watching this, keep in mind those dots that look like individual stars flying by in the night sky, are in fact galaxy's...each containing hundreds of millions of stars. The larger ones are galactic clusters with hundreds of thousands of galaxies......I love this kind of stuff. I have been watching the hell out of Morgan Freeman's "Through the Wormhole"....and another series called "How the Universe was Made". If I had had the time and the funding...and could have studied whatever field I wanted to in college, I would have been an astrophysicist. Unfortunately, by that time, I was so panicked about surviving in this world I picked a major that would be sure to make money right out of the box. M.B.A's weren't a dime a dozen like they are now...you actually had to attend classes to get one....and I thought I would go on to law school....but.oh well.....I did recently buy a telescope......dream on.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
....and if simple morality and decency are concepts too difficult to convey: Try naked self interest: A rising tide raises all boats.
I pay taxes, more than I can really afford. A large percentage of my taxes go to providing education for the local children. I have no children...and yet...I have no objection to paying taxes to educate other peoples offspring because I realize that for a modern society to function, the citizenry needs to be educated.
My taxes also go to roads. Roads that carry freight, and oil and the workers to process that freight and oil, so that the stock holders that own freight companies and oil companies can amass record profits and pay massive executive bonuses, while paying the lowest effective tax rates in the industrialized world......oh wait....apparently my empathy has limits....
Saturday, April 14, 2012
A Day In The Life....
An oldy but a goody...from Tom Hartmann.
"A Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican"
Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.
All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should loose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
Its noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FDIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.
Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.
Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dads; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electric until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republican’s would still be sitting in the dark)
He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.
He turns on a radio talk show, the host’s keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day) Joe agrees, "We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have".
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Greetings from Supply Side Jesus
Mega christ-y pastor Rick Warren spent the weekend explaining to us many mere mortals that the poor were a result of "our" need for instant gratification and general lazy un-god like spending habits.
As usual, Mr. Pierce at Esquire parts the very red sea of stupid quite cleanly.......
Read more: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/welfare-reform-revisited-7949859#ixzz1raTU63xN
Let them make bricks without straw........or...whose up for some cake!
As usual, Mr. Pierce at Esquire parts the very red sea of stupid quite cleanly.......
"The fact is that "welfare reform" gave everybody permission not to care about poverty anymore. It gave preening gombeens like Rick Santorum a chance to talk about "character" and "hope." It gave the zombie-eyed granny-starver Paul Ryan a chance to mouth off about the law's "unprecedented success," although I'm not sure if he's ever explained fully how hard the culture of dependency was on him when he was going through his teenage years on Social Security survivor's benefits. It gave the political system generally, and at every level, a chance to think about anything else. It was positioned as a unalloyed triumph. It had solved poverty. And then, of course, the economy went bad."
Read more: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/welfare-reform-revisited-7949859#ixzz1raTU63xN
Let them make bricks without straw........or...whose up for some cake!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Richard Nixon: DFH
The next time you hear some pundit or media manikin (like Tom Brokaw) drone on about the sorry state of affairs in "murkin politics" as we know it, and blame the inexorable hard right turn we have taken on "the excesses of the left during the 60's and 70's", point them to this...and read the comments as well.
It may be quite novella-esque, but I haven't read anything that more perfectly exposes the long sorry march rightward we have endured over the last 40 years.
When the leading Repub candidate for president opposes federal aid for natural disaster relief, we are truly looking at the bottom of the rabbit hole...and guess what: It is filled with 40 years of trickle down...rabbit shit.
F.Y.I. for the un bloggified: DFH= Dirty Fucking Hippy.
It may be quite novella-esque, but I haven't read anything that more perfectly exposes the long sorry march rightward we have endured over the last 40 years.
When the leading Repub candidate for president opposes federal aid for natural disaster relief, we are truly looking at the bottom of the rabbit hole...and guess what: It is filled with 40 years of trickle down...rabbit shit.
F.Y.I. for the un bloggified: DFH= Dirty Fucking Hippy.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Death Panel
.......and from the Onion
Lawyers Opposing Health Care Law Cite Kids-With-Pre-Existing-Conditions-Can-Go-Fuck-Themselves Clause
WASHINGTON—As the Supreme Court hears oral arguments today on President Obama's health care reform law, plaintiffs aiming to strike down the legislation are citing the U.S. Constitution's Kids-With-Pre-Existing-Conditions-Can-Go-Fuck-Themselves clause, which decrees that children who suffer from debilitating illnesses prior to acquiring health insurance "should just go straight to hell." "It explicitly states in Article 4, Section 9 that 'children with extant disorders unable to pay exorbitant premium fees can just fucking die for all we care, especially the ones with leukemia.'" attorney Paul D. Clement told the nine jurists during his opening statement. "Thus the current law is on its face unconstitutional. ..more......
On a more personal and ultimately tragic note, this is probably going to be the cluster-fuck end-all-supreme court fiasco that actually kills me, after first bankrupting me...and several million others.
When, what are supposed to be the top legal minds in the country, question weather a government that can tax me, send me to war, throw me in prison, wiretap my phone...ect...has the right to meekly insist that I buy health insurance, or that I pay a penalty of $95 a month (*if I am one of the less than two percent of the population who absolutely refuses to get insurance no matter how little the cost). Or, when those same minds, compare that same government mandate to forcing everyone to "eat broccoli"....Or when one of the two political parties in this country has thrown their entire plutocratic machine in to killing this bill, knowing full well, the costs in money, and lives, solely for their own short term political gain....then.this country has truly become to stupid to govern, and lets face it, to live in. It has turned Idiocracy in to an art. But, I guess we knew that anyway... didn't we.
When, what are supposed to be the top legal minds in the country, question weather a government that can tax me, send me to war, throw me in prison, wiretap my phone...ect...has the right to meekly insist that I buy health insurance, or that I pay a penalty of $95 a month (*if I am one of the less than two percent of the population who absolutely refuses to get insurance no matter how little the cost). Or, when those same minds, compare that same government mandate to forcing everyone to "eat broccoli"....Or when one of the two political parties in this country has thrown their entire plutocratic machine in to killing this bill, knowing full well, the costs in money, and lives, solely for their own short term political gain....then.this country has truly become to stupid to govern, and lets face it, to live in. It has turned Idiocracy in to an art. But, I guess we knew that anyway... didn't we.
Monday, March 26, 2012
This is Your Healthcare...
..and this is your healthcare on "Republicare". In this case, the darker the green, means the darker the red, so to speak. In other words, the more a state favors the republican party, the worse health care or more uninsured, that state has. So by all means, lets let them control the health care system, after all, look what they did for the financial system.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Not OK..Oklahoma
The right's "Pro life" core message: Life begins at conception, and ends at birth.
Friday, March 23, 2012
More Real Romney: Lie, Lie, Lie...
I think one of the most discouraging things about this long running nightmare some are referring to as "the republican primary", is the constant daily barrage of the media calling the words coming out of the candidates mouths "gaffes". In fact, the actual "gaffes", are the rare moments of truth being uttered by these people. As if this avalanche of deceit, is not the real story of the process. Like repeating hammer blows to the head, is it supposed to eventually stop hurting? Are we witnessing a fundamental change to the nomenclature? Or is it to distract us from the reality that most of what they are spouting on the campaign trail, are not "gaffes", or "flubs" or "missteps" they are lies. Fibs, whoopers, hyperbole,.....Lies.
Thank god for Racheal Maddow.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The Real Mittens
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The Road
This or ......
Mitt: A guy who has a few friends who own countries.
Better Late Than Ignorant....
Of course, this gem came out last week. I saw it on Real Time (Maher's Show) and then on many blogs, so I thought; why bother?
But this week, Pelosii (Nancy's daughter, and a fine documentary film maker) felt the need to give equal time to some of the locals from her neck of the woods, so to speak, and interviewed people waiting in line at a welfare office in New York City. As the Pace picante sauce folks used to un-ironically intone "Get a Rope"
That sentence alone should sum up what is wrong about the follow up video she aired this week. She went to great pains last week to point out that these toothless confederates, were a random sample, she did not go anywhere special to seek them out (like a welfare office maybe?) and polling done later that week confirmed that these people's views are widely held in the area (53% of Mississippi repubs DO think Obama is a Muslim ..for instance).
The point of the first video was exemplified in her questions about why poor people vote against their best interests (Mississippi being demonstrably the poorest state in the nation). What then was the point of interviewing people waiting in line at a welfare office? According to Pelosi, in her interview on Real Time, it was to show the problems with "the entitlement system".
How is this a counterpoint to the above video? I am not really sure, unless the real point is to show that poverty, hatred and ignorance run hand in hand......I believe this video explains that idea a little better:
(Sorry, it won't allow me to embed, but watch it, ..... a story about a mule)
"An old man that was just so full of hate that he didn't know being poor was what was killing him"
- Gene Hackman "Mississippi Burning"
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Three Pigs: Second Verse: One Named Pam
I won't link to her site, but here is what hate faucet Pam Geller had to add to the discourse:
"Obama calls her and tells Sandra Slut Fluke that her parents should be so proud of her.
He’s a pimp.
Did he call the sole survivor of the Fogel family massacre?
He is morally bankrupt."
"Bus stop rat bag, ha ha, charade you are
You fucked up old hag, ha ha, charade you are
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost worth a quick grin
You like the feel of steel
You're hot stuff with a hat pin
And good fun with a hand gun
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.
Why Pat..Why?
Why..why? Why when natural disasters hit the "differently hued" is it punishment for their wicked ways...but when they hit the rusty bible belt...it's because..."they just weren't prayin enough?"
I would link to the CNN video of the women actually praying at a tornado like cloud...that actually did miss her house (because mostly that's what tornadoes do...miss houses), but piling one stupid on another is no way to keep those pesky funnel clouds at bey.
I guess Pat was tired of missing out on all the slut shaming attention, so better to chastise a bunch of people who just lost their homes and loved ones...a kind of "shot gun of stupid" approach.
Must get hard finding people who are down, or can't defend themselves, to kick the shit out of... in the never ending quest to fill those media hours with godly christian content.
Three Pigs: First Verse: One named Rush
Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke Is "Having So Much Sex, It's Amazing She Can Still Walk"
Rush ...you....:
"Pigs (Three Different Ones)"
Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying "keep on digging"
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find?
When you're down in the pig mine
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.
....Hard to believe it took this to get me back
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying "keep on digging"
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find?
When you're down in the pig mine
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.
....Hard to believe it took this to get me back
............And I'm Back.........
So..it's Karl Rove and not Rush....meh
Funny, I havent been here since the last time I posted, and the last post being about K.O. getting dumped from MSNBC for??/
Funny also that people used to use K.O. for arguing that there was a counter on the left for Orielly and Beck..and of course...Rush:
From a comment I just posted on another blog on the demise of a certain fat blowhard:
"As I was drinking the morning coffee, the "Today Show" with Matt Laur? was on in the background.
On it, Matt and 3 people who I didn't know were ruminating over the weeks events (two women and one man...I think one of them is an actual doctor).
Of course, there was much hurumphing over Limbaugh's recent comments from the panel, but little to no mention of the fact that he has been doing and saying things like this, and worse, for over TWO DECADES NOW...and then it came....from the "journalist"...the long time host...Mr. Laur: "...but of course...both sides do it!!"
I am a long way from the comfy studios at "30 Rock", but I swear I almost saw Matt's head turn slightly when I screamed for the millionth time at the tee vee: "When? Who?? Name anyone on the left that is the counter balance in the marketplace of ideas to Rush fucking Limbaugh!!"
Forget "low information voters"...how is it that that so many well paid people, with huge audiences can continue, year after year, to repeat the same centrist bullshit lie, over and over again...and never get called on it!
The thing is, I think Matt, and David (Greggors, Frum, Brooks...take your pick) actually believe it, despite having no evidence, because they are never publicly called out...in their own medium, on their own show...ever. No one ever says: Name one. Name one pundit, one politician, one anybody from the left, who shovels out the same hyperbolic, undeserved bile,day after day..decade after decade.
The real tragedy is, Laur probably has a bigger audience than any of the rest of those idiots, and his recitation of that tired line, probably comes more from just plain not knowing any better. Low information media....just not giving a shit about knowing any better!"
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