Saturday, November 10, 2012

From Election I can remember

Alas...a sad night....For the Confederacy!!! Hah!..Hah! Hah!! Eat it crackers!!
You servile, authoritarian, anti-intellectual dupes! You loose...again!! ...and you almost literally had all the money in the world to steal it away.
Sorry for the schadenfreude.....but holy shit...4 years of this crap. The most vile campaign tactics I have ever seen, coming from a group of people who claim to have a special relationship with God! People who claim to love this country.
I am so sick of the right ....sick and tired of having to fend off their relentless campaign to drag us back in to the dark ages. They disdain knowledge, compassion, community....they elevate ignorance to a high art...and they do it all while looking down their noses at the rest of us.
The last four years has been like turning over a rock, and being horrified at what scurried out from under it. I am about as cynical as they come...and thought I had seen it all, but this was just horrible.
 No one should have had to go through what this President had to go through, for the thankless task of making this place better for us all......ever.
 This just shouldn't have been this hard. I hope the President was right when he said it made him a better leader, that it would be all worth it. If he really believes that, then he is most certainly a better man than I. I just want them to shut up and go away.

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