The next time you hear some pundit or media manikin (like Tom Brokaw) drone on about the sorry state of affairs in "murkin politics" as we know it, and blame the inexorable hard right turn we have taken on "the excesses of the left during the 60's and 70's", point them to this...and read the comments as well.
It may be quite novella-esque, but I haven't read anything that more perfectly exposes the long sorry march rightward we have endured over the last 40 years.
When the leading Repub candidate for president opposes federal aid for natural disaster relief, we are truly looking at the bottom of the rabbit hole...and guess what: It is filled with 40 years of trickle down...rabbit shit.
F.Y.I. for the un bloggified: DFH= Dirty Fucking Hippy.
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