Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Death Panel

.......and from the Onion

Lawyers Opposing Health Care Law Cite Kids-With-Pre-Existing-Conditions-Can-Go-Fuck-Themselves Clause

WASHINGTON—As the Supreme Court hears oral arguments today on President Obama's health care reform law, plaintiffs aiming to strike down the legislation are citing the U.S. Constitution's Kids-With-Pre-Existing-Conditions-Can-Go-Fuck-Themselves clause, which decrees that children who suffer from debilitating illnesses prior to acquiring health insurance "should just go straight to hell." "It explicitly states in Article 4, Section 9 that 'children with extant disorders unable to pay exorbitant premium fees can just fucking die for all we care, especially the ones with leukemia.'" attorney Paul D. Clement told the nine jurists during his opening statement. "Thus the current law is on its face unconstitutional. ..more......

On a more personal and ultimately tragic note, this is probably going to be the cluster-fuck end-all-supreme court fiasco that actually kills me, after first bankrupting me...and several million others.
When, what are supposed to be the top legal minds in the country, question weather a government that can tax me, send me to war, throw me in prison, wiretap my phone...ect...has the right to meekly insist that I buy health insurance, or that I pay a penalty of $95 a month (*if I am one of the less than two percent of the population who absolutely refuses to get insurance no matter how little the cost).  Or, when those same minds, compare that same government mandate to forcing everyone to "eat broccoli"....Or when one of the two political parties in this country has  thrown their entire plutocratic machine in to killing this bill, knowing full well, the costs in money, and lives, solely for their own short term political gain....then.this country has truly become to stupid to govern, and lets face it, to live in. It has turned Idiocracy in to an art. But, I guess we knew that anyway... didn't we.

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