Saturday, January 22, 2011

....And Now It Gets Uglier....K.O.....K.O.ed

When K.O. was suspended last year, I was amazed to find so many negative comments about him in the various blogs reporting the story. Those who have been paying attention, over the last decade or so, realize that for a long time, Keith was a voice in the wilderness as Bushco set about the task of systematically dismantling every decent thing this government stood for, and handing it over to the ballooning corporatocracy.
His emergence coincided with the advent of Youtube, and when I posted one of his first special comments (the one where Donald Rumsfeld compared the opposition of the Iraq war to Neville Chamberlain) it received over 150,000 views in less than a week.  Such was the starving demand for real, non bumper sticker related opinion after the country handed dubya his tragic blank check.
I was disappointed that Bill Maher made only a cursory reference to Keith's departure on last nights show, but perhaps the news was too fresh for a more lengthy discussion.
That sound you are hearing is the collapse of one of the last things standing between the current horrific state of the MSM.....and the singular noise machine of the Faux "Newscasters" in the movie "Idiocracy".  What a dull thud it makes.